Ooi & Ooi debuts as a Notable Firm in Commercial and Transactions in the Benchmark Litigation Asia-Pacific 2021 rankings. Benchmark is described as the “definitive guide to the world’s leading dispute resolution firms & lawyers”.

Both partners, Natalie Ooi and Nicholas Ooi, are described as “a dynamic duo, effective & have no problems giving impromptu advice.” Natalie is “quite responsive with effective communications”. While Nicholas is noted to be “very good in focusing on strategies to win cases”, & “trusted as an overseas lawyer despite not meeting due to COVID-19”.

A summary of client testimonials of the firm includes:
– “Defended the case very well & provided very good guidance on next steps”.
– “Partners are bilingual & speak excellent Mandarin & English. They have no problems with instant translation”.
– “They know how the construction industry operates.”
– “Excellent advice on strategy & course of action resulting in a successful resolution of the case.”
– “Very strong in communication skills.”

Thank you to all our clients for their continued trust and support.

View more at: https://benchmarklitigation.com/Firm/Ooi-Ooi/Profile/121885#review